Keywords = Sabzevar
Geochemistry and Isotope Geology of Adakitic Domes from ‎Chakane Area in South of Quchan (Northeast of Iran)‎

Volume 9, Issue 4, March 2019, Pages 25-48


Mehdi Rezaei-Kahkhaei; Ayoub Taheri; Habibollah Ghasemi; Sara Gardideh

U-Pb age dating and determination of source region composition of post-ophiolite adakitic domes of Sabzevar

Volume 6, Issue 23, October 2015, Pages 121-138

Habibollah Ghasemi; Laicheng Miao; Khadije Jamshidi

Petrology and geochemistry of the Sabzevar post-ophiolitic high silica adakitic rocks

Volume 5, Issue 17, April 2014, Pages 51-68

Habibollah Ghasemi; Khadijeh Jamshidi; Mahmoud Sadeghian

Dating of age, genesis and tectonic setting of intrusive bodies in south of Sabzevar

Volume 4, Issue 16, February 2014, Pages 1-20

Maliheh Ghoorchi Rooki; Mohammad Hassan Karimpour; Khosrow Ebrahimi Nasrabadi