Keywords = granodiorite
Petrology, geochemistry, source and tectonic setting of Malek Chah Ruii granitoid (East of Lut Block)

Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 63-92


Abadullah Toulabi Nejad; Ahmad Ahamadi Khalaji; Mohammad Ebrahimi; Habib Biabangard; Rasoul Esmaeili

Petrography, mineral chemistry and geochemistry of granitoids of the Samen plutonic complex (SW Malayer, Hamedan)

Volume 5, Issue 18, November 2014, Pages 77-92

Ahmad Ahmadi Khalaji; Farahnaz Sepahvand; Ali Asghar Sepahi Gerow; Sedigheh Salami

Mineralogical and geochemical studies of intrusive body of Ghohroud

Volume 4, Issue 15, March 2014, Pages 97-104

Afsaneh Badr; Mohsen Tabatabai Manesh; Mohammad Ali Mackizadeh; Mehdi Hashemi; Batoul Taghipour