Petrological Journal

Petrological Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific quarterly journal which is continuously published by the University of Isfahan Press since 2010.  The journal publishes original research papers on igneous and metamorphic petrology, petrology and economic geology, petrogenesis, experimental petrology, geochemistry of rocks and minerals, alteration and remote sensing, petrology and reconstructing the geological history, petrology and environmental geology, petrology of ore bodies, petrology and plate tectonics, mineralogy and crystallography, petrofabrics, geochronology and isotopic geology, and petrology of meteorites. This journal publishes original research articles, letters, reviews, and comments/replies.


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Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 3 - Serial Number 59, May 2024 (Petrological Journal, 15th Year, No. 59, Autunm 2024) 

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